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We service organizations with 5 to 150 employees by providing TailorMade human resources solutions, so that they can focus on what they do best ---running the organization.

Employee Satisfaction

We work with you to create a work environment where employees feel valued and supported, thereby increasing your competitive advantage for recruitment and retention. That includes services such as the creation of employee handbooks, benefits analysis, stay interviews, and more. 

HR Compliance

We assess your areas of vulnerability and help you implement changes to put you closer to your organizational goals for both the short and long term. By auditing current policies and procedures, we can help create a plan to move your company culture in the right direction. 

Leadership Development

With our help, you can enhance your ability to lead others and improve your team’s ability to perform at higher levels. We can provide training and performance management that elevates leadership within your company. 

Auxiliary HR Services

Allow us to be the extra hands you need to complete a major project or just get through a busy season. We can serve as your interim HR department or provide any customized form of HR support that you may need. 


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